Binance Announces Lightning Network Withdrawal Implementation Amidst Bitcoin Network Congestion Issues

Binance has announced its intention of implementing Lightning Network, une couche 2 Bitcoin scaling protocol, on its platform after experiencing an episode of congestion regarding withdrawals on the Bitcoin network. The exchange had to pause bitcoin withdrawals twice due to a

Les géants chinois de la technologie Tencent et Bytedance prévoient de réduire leurs divisions métaverse

Selon les rapports, Tencent and Bytedance, two Chinese tech giants, are planning to execute a significant number of job cuts in their metaverse divisions. Tencent recognized it is making some staff adjustments, amidst rumors of hundreds of layoffs in its extended

Le rouble bondit contre le billet vert, L'écart du taux de change du birr éthiopien s'élargit; Kiyosaki: La «fin est là» pour le faux argent - Revue de la semaine

Rumors of expanding war, massive inflation destroying peoples purchasing power, and widespread volatility in the world of fiat currencies shaped the news this past week, with similarly dynamic developments in the world of cryptocurrency. Rich Dad Poor Dad author Robert Kiyosaki

Tether liquide le prêt Celsius Bitcoin - "La position a été liquidée sans perte" pour la société

En juillet 8, 2022, la société derrière le plus grand stablecoin au monde, Attache, a révélé que la société avait liquidé un prêt accordé au prêteur de crypto Celsius, et la liquidation a causé “aucune perte pour Tether.” Selon l'émetteur de stablecoins, les…

L'auto-garde est plus qu'une caractéristique - Dennis Jarvis, PDG de

While markets are going up, people get more comfortable putting their cryptoassets into trusted third parties such as centralized exchanges and centralized lending platforms that promise increasingly enticing returns. The good times never last, though. As markets peak and monetary policy

La Banque centrale du Honduras discrédite la spéculation sur le cours légal du Bitcoin

En mars 23, Hondurascentral bank issued a clarification on crypto assets such as bitcoin, and noted that digital currencies are not legal tender or regulated in the country. The announcement, posted via Hondurascentral bank official Twitter account, comes after